Thursday, January 29, 2015

Goal Setting Series #6

Download the mp3 HERE

Beautiful day to all of my friends around the globe, hope the goal setting series has been helpful lately? Join me in the lane of success as we look into last part of IT.

Next Steps;
13. Goal setting exercise:
Make a page of a paper your friend today and write today's date on it.
Write out 10 goals you want to attain this year, and make sure you start each goal with "I".
When writing make sure you start with a present tense and with a verb (action), that act as a commanding power towards your goal.

And by writing the goal in present tense, you picture yourself in it, you see yourself living in it.

And always write your goal in positive tense, it gives you a step ahead. For example;
Instead of "I quit smoking........", make it sound this way "I'm a non-smoker by........".
So that will give you a positive mind set about you.

So the next step and which is the last is

14. Decide upon your major definite purpose:
After listing those 10 goals on the sheet of paper, ask yourself this genuine question, if  one of  these goal is to be achieve within 24 Hours, which one will have the greatest positive impact in my life.
So, make a priority in the listing, and do this steps all over again to know the goal that is of most importance.

I hope these steps will help you attain your heart desires, but make sure you are consistent in what you do.

Make sure you persist and consistent in what you do, because it builds you and your goal will be unstoppable.

Goal is attainable, and whatever you want to do this year, do it now, do it today. 

Go with these today,
  • Decide exactly what you want.
  • Write it down
  • Make a plan
  • Work on it everyday.

Learn and share, build yourself and grow. Do have a bless day and don't forget to take a cup of organo gold coffee

Monday, January 26, 2015

Goal setting series #5

Download the mp3 Here

Good day to you reading this post, and I hope you had a great rest. Moving on in our goal setting series. We will be looking deep in to the next 3 steps.

10. Select your number most important task for each day. 
Using the 80/20 rule, chose the most important task that will aid you to attaining the goal you have set. 
Ask yourself, which activity will contribute the most value to work towards my goal.
And understand the principle of Focus and Concentration.

11. Develop the habit of self-discipline  
It all start with decision and resolve to concentrate single minded on that one task until it is 100% complete. And when you develop the habit of concentration, the quality and quantity of you output and productivity is increased.

12. Practice visualization of your goals
Create clear, vivid, exciting emotional picture of your goal, why am I saying this? You have to see yourself in it. You have to feel it even though you are not there yet. Because what you picture is what you become. That great car, vacation, the beautiful home. Using the principle of subconscious mind. 

I hope these steps will be helpful today, read, understand and make sure you teach someone today.

I love you, have a great day and don't forget to take a cup of healthy coffee.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Goal Setting Series #4

Download the mp3 Here

Good morning everybody, hope you had a great day going, and moving forward in our lane of goal setting.

Next 3 steps are:
7. Make a list of everything you will have to do to achieve your goal.

8. Organize your list into a plan. You organize this list by arranging the steps that you have identified by sequence and priority.

Sequence + Priority

9. Make a Plan. Organize your list into a series of steps from the beginning all the way through to the completion of your goal.

Plan each day, week and month in advance.
Plan each month at the beginning of the month.
Plan each week the weekend before.
Plan each day the evening before.

Hope the steps today will guide you to achieving your goals, have a great, study, and share with friends. 

And make sure you take your cup of Organo Gold Coffee

Friday, January 23, 2015

Goal Setting Series #3

Download the mp3 HERE

Good day beautiful people, it nice to commune with you once more, and on our series of goal setting, we will be looking at the next 3 steps needed in attaining our goals.
These are;

1. identify the obstacle you will have to overcome.
2. identify the knowledge, information and skills you need to achieve that goal.
3. Identify the people whose help and cooperation you will require to achieve that goal.

So lets ride together.

1. Identify the obstacle you will need to overcome to achieve your goal: 
Knowing the 80/20 rule of constrain, 80% of things that hold you back in life is YOU, not the society. You must understand that these things are lack of skill and you have to build yourself. And only 20% is the effect of what the world is giving back to you. Know that your number obstacle is YOU

2. Identify the knowledge, information and skills you need to achieve that goal:
Identify that skill you have to develop, and the beautiful discovery is that, your weakest key skill sets the height of your income and success. So make more progress by working more on that particular skill that is holding back more than any other. 
So ask yourself, WHAT IS THAT ONE SKILL, and know that you have to develop this skill CONSISTENTLY.

3. Identify the people whose help and cooperation you will require to achieve your goal:
You have to understand the principle of inter-dependence, working with people, and now you have to make the list of positive minded people you can work with ( family, friend, boss, customers), so identify the key people you require and ask yourself this question, WHAT's IN IT FOR THEM?.
You must be a Go-giver and not a Go-Taker.
And by the world of Robert Kiyosaki, he said that "Rich people build network while the poor look for work".

So friends, I hope this key steps help you today and you understand it to the height you can teach people around you. 
Have a great day and don't forget to take a cup of Organo Gold Coffee

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

We Must Grow Up

Happy day friends, came across a world changing principle, let's laugh a bit before we continue on our goal series.

20 things you need to stop doing by the time you're 25

In case you need a primer, here are 20 things you
should outgrow by age 25.

1. Forming cliques
Groups that exist to shun others are best left in
high school — not that they were a good idea
back then, either.

2. Lying to your parents
If you can't talk about something honestly, it's
probably not a good idea in the first place.

3. Treating your body like a trash pit
All that eating like a frat boy will catch up to you
soon. Start fueling your body right.

4. Wanting what your parents have
The nice car and big house took decades of work.
You have to put in the time, too.

5. Living at your parents' house
See above (only this is worse).

6. Fighting in public
As an adult, you need to control your anger,
especially in front of others.

7. Changing your major each semester
If you're still trying to find a life direction at your
10-year high school reunion, it's time to pick

8. Crashing on someone's couch
Get a job, and get your own place. It's time.

9. Dressing in crazy trends
Leave the cheetah print for the middle school
crowd, and find your own style. You can look
stylish and age appropriate — promise.

10. Campaigning for popularity
Not everyone will like you. It's OK.

11. Paying in change
Whether it's for gas or food, people will think you
still get an allowance from mommy.

12. Staying out at all hours
Leave the late nights to the college crowd, and
get enough sleep to keep your job.

13. Relying on credit
Now's the time to take responsibility for your
financial future. Racking up thousands in credit
card debt is not a good way to start adulthood.

14. Being uninformed
Pick up a newspaper and keep up on current
events. You'll look smarter.

15. Serial dating
Now's the time to look for a life partner. Don't
waste everyone's time with a series of two-week

16. Running home every week
Your mom and dad will always love you, but they
don't always need to solve your problems.

17. Ignoring aches and pains
You're not a teenager anymore, and you need a
good doctor.

18. Sporting extreme styles
That tattoo, body piercing and purple hair are
going to make job interviews uncomfortable. You
might not like it, but that's reality.

19. Reliving the glory days
You are too old to still talk about that game-
winning touchdown you made senior year. Find a
new story.

20. Worry about what others think
This is your time. Use it to develop your sense of
self, free from what others expect of you. Examine
your beliefs about relationships, children, religion
and your career. You can't move on to the next
phase of your life unless you're willing to leave
the "younger years" behind. This is your chance
to find out what being an adult looks like for you
— and you alone.
WE Must Grow Up,  Don't waste them.

Hope you find this helpful, have a great day and live a great life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Goal Setting Series #2

Good morning beautiful people around the world, hope you understood the introductory part we started with yesterday?

Today, we will go to the goal setting processes proper (first three steps)

1.Decide exactly what you want in every key of your life;
Key areas of life
  1. Income
  2. Family
  3. Health
  4. Net worth 
Always idealize that anything you doing is possible through your thought, power of imagination.

Know your three goal method : write down the most three important goals in your life.

2. Write It Down
You must clear, specific, detailed and measurable about your goal. Always make your description clear on your goal setting. 

3. Set a Deadline
To every goal set must have a deadline, and the most beautiful thing about human is the our subconscious mind activate the conscious mind to attain your goal, and it uses this deadline as forcing system to attain this goal you have set. 

And make sure you do not forget this, 
"there are no unreasonable goals, only unreasonable deadlines"

Have a great day and work your goal to the top.
And do not forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Download the audio HERE

Monday, January 19, 2015

Goal Setting series #1

Having a beautiful morning?
I decided to change the medium of communication so that I can reach out more to you. 
I will be teaching more through the pod-casts that I will making available on my audio site.

So, the breakdown for the week is on goal setting, steps to take to attain them. So check the audio out and grow intellectually.

Goal setting #1

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Win Formular

Good morning  to all my friends around the globe, it's been a while and I really miss talking to you daily.

Today, digressing from the "Believe principle series" a bit, to learn a secret I got from my mentor " David immonitie" on what he titled " The WIN Formula".
So lets learn and share mind in creating the wealth we want today.

WIN, everyone wants to win, nobody bother wants to be left behind, so this morning always have a mind set to be a winner every second of your life.

Breaking down the formula,
1. W- Willingness (the will to learn) 
One thing about someone is having a "teachablilty  index",  it is the willingness to learn the information X willingness to change.
i.e WL x WC
And by the understanding of my spiritual father, he said
"Information does not bring transformation, Conversion does" - Myles Monroe (blessed memory)
"Belief does not guarantee conviction"
You belief something, but you were not convicted to ACT. 

So if you are willing to learn and you are not willing to change, you can't be effective.
i.e WL=50
      50 x 0= 0

2a. I- initiative (changing your initiative), that is the reconstruction of your mind. 
Doing something before you are told to do so.

You must fight the spirit of procrastination (because procrastination is suicidal).

So your MENTALITY determines what you are. Breaking this down;
  • MEN- we (people around you)
  • MENTAL- our mind (control yours)
  • TALITY- great reality of your life

So if you have a broke mentality, what's happening is that Broke has turned to a great reality of your life.

2b- I- Inspire - you take IN, and where does information comes from? It is our thought. If you have been of the past post, I analyze the power of thought, try and take a look.
You become what you think about, and words you speak come from your thought.

 And where does this thought come from?
  • Our Five senses
  • The Devil 
  • God
So control yours now.

3. N- Never ever stop at what you believe in, even when you see challenges, ups and downs. Because whatever you believe and  conceive, you can achieve.

Note and Watch this;
  • The Environment you are IN
  • The people that are around you
  • Information you feed yourself with
  • Experience you give yourself

So guys, I know with this information you got today, the secret I learned and share will be effective in your life.
So read it, understand it and share with a friend also, multiply your knowledge today.

Leave your comment and don't forget to take a cup of #1 Healthy Beverage

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Conference Call with holton bugg (1/15/2015)

My post today will seem off the hook, cause they are not my word, so try and understand most of it

Words from VP (sales) Organo Gold, Mr Holton Bugg
Rewrite the history of organo gold,
Do the work and your names is gonna be called
Are you gonna win the contest?
Every day, make it count
17 days of constant showing the plan (1-2hrs per day)
Pay before you find out the cost (work your way to the top)

Make a commitment with your list
Looking @ ur report card saying I passed

Holton bugg "Getting my business bible ( notepad/list)"

Millionaire did what other hundrednaiar won't do.
Don't just talk about it, do what you hear (put it into action)

4 enemies that will challenge
1. Finance
The value of millionaire is the work you put to get there
3.Build relationships (either break or build)
You can't just make balance to make this billions with friends, family

"You can't be working for success and be balance in with relationship to attain it"
Relationship challenge

4.Spiritual challenge (cos you are chasing money). People will talk and make you feel bad, but know this;
"Money is not good or bad, but what you do with it when you get it".

Don't get emotional, get into action.
Stop following the crowd

You can't be a leader following the crowd

The size of your dream is gonna be equal to the size of your obstacle. So stand up to it.

                         Why you should be there 
Les gonna be there, holton, david....... top earners gonna be there, so that's a why you should be there.

It's your company, believe in it, and in organo gold, you make a fortune you can't make in any other company.

And while coming, decide what you are coming to get, be purposeful and determined while coming.

Ending with the voice of David Immonite 
Find it helpful, get on the millionaire, mentorship call this Sunday (8Pm CST) on 8322256800 and the code is 674266#
3 am (Nigerian time)
Have a great OG year (year of productivity)

For the mp3 format of the conference call :download it here
It's Easy, It's Simple, It's  Coffee

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Power of Suggestion

I am glad I can reach out to you today, in building a mind set for greater good, and know the secret to wealth creation

Today we will be going on our series; and having in our capacity today is "Power of Suggestion". Stay on the path and don't loose it.

Okay, to every system of mind stuff, mystical believes (religion), different teaching, they all have the same basic modus operandi i.e Repeating (repetition of words, chant, prayer etc.).

And though some use it negatively in black magic, your main focus of power of suggestion is to be used in area of white magic  (sound odd right?), and bringing unity to your lifestyle.

Law of Suggestion
This is through which all force operating within its limit are capable of producing phenomenon result, either by self suggestion (auto-suggestion), or an external impact (hetero suggestion), causing the subconscious to begin it's creative work through the repetition of Sam word, chant, prayer and through this result become the realization. 

Hitler as a person understood this power and made use of it to the fullest, which started a campaign of terror, with the use of the poster, slogan, huge signs everywhere, Germans mental self was hypnotized, influencing their believe. 

So what have you been reading and saying, in society today, we see power of suggestion at work and day after day we heard the expression;
  • Times are hard
  • Business is poor
  • The banks are failing
  • Prosperity hasn't a chance
But start changing suggestion force you take into your brain.

And know that it's your fear thought create for you a bad society, not the other way round.

Walter Dill Scott PhD, LLD, An applied psychologist (North western university) said that, "Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude rather than by mental capacity.

So today, say it is possible, try it and you will prove that it can be done, if you will only BELIEVE IT -Claude Bristol

Read, act, teach it to friends and your life will not remain the same.
And don't forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Monday, January 12, 2015

Understanding The Power Of Sub-conscious Mind

Beautiful morning I will say, hope you had a nice night, continuing in our series today, we will be considering "The Principle Behind Our Sub-conscious". Take your time to understand this, it will help you.

Know that the best result in life were obtain by close harmony and cooperation between the conscious and cub-conscious mind.

Conscious mind is the source of thought, making us understand our environment, emotion, rational understanding of things around us.
But understanding the thing beyond our reasoning, that is the work of our sub-conscious mind.

Know that the solution of our problem result from the use of our conscious, but when this solution stop coming, and we start becoming exhausted and lacking confidence, that is when our Sub-conscious comes Alive, in renewing our belief, assisting us to overcome our difficulty and leading us to success.

So if our Conscious mind = Source of Thought,
Sub-conscious mind = Source of Power, and we must maximize the degree at which we use it.

Knowing what sub-conscious mind is now, let us now go into the 3 primary functions of it.

3 primary functions of Sub-conscious mind
  1. It maintain and preserve the well being and indeed the very life of the body (unaided by the conscious mind)
  2. It springs into immediate action in times of emergency with great accuracy in saving the life of the individual 
  3. It is operative in the  psychic world, where the psychic power of the sub-conscious are manifested (telepathy, psychokinesis)
But it can be summon to help the conscious in time of great necessity.

I know you are already feeling odd of this content or kind of lost, but know that we are all celestial being and we have our man power and to be great at what we do, we have to maximize our potential to the fullest.

And this is possible 
  1. if you are patient and also have faith.
  2. You must believe that the work is been done
  3. Seeing and thinking yourself successful in that area you specialize.

Know that you must follow the indications and correct course of action without mental reservation and understand it and always act on it at once.
And with these steps, you see yourself of whole triumphant success.

Do not forget this even if you forget all listed up, 
"Thought Attract That Upon Which It Is Directed" (Claude Bristol) 

Do have a great day, act now, share with friends and don't forget to take your cup of#1 Healthy Coffee

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Power of Thought (B)

Beautiful serene around you I know, and I hope you had a great rest. Before I get so busy today, I choose to post this earlier to make you refreshed before your busy schedules as well.
Continuing with the B part of the "Power of Thought" today as promised, we will be looking into some personal questions you will ask yourselves, and please make sure you give you an answer.

Note this as we go on: "A Man's Thought Makes Him or Breaks Him".

This are the list of questions to ask oneself when trying to apply the power of thought (Claude Bristol);
  1. Precisely, what you want (mental pattern drawn in your mind)
  2. Where am I headed
  3. What is my GOAL
  4. Have I visualize just what I really want
  5. If success is to be measured by wealth(fix the certain amount in figure), if in terms of achievement (specify definitely). 
And with these self question pattern, your thought is prepare and focus to help you.

Also know this, you must begin with desire to achieve anything, or gain more than you have now.
By a quote I got from "The Magic of Believing"
It says= "Thought attracts that upon which it is directed"

We must know one thing that, even while we rest or sleep, and our conscious state is off, but our subconscious still keep active involuntarily, to some they call it soul, spirit, inner power, but whatever name it's called, know that you have the power to control your own subconscious (thought).

Leaving you with this today, know that faith without work is ineffective and when you believe, have a change of your temple of mind/taught frequency, draw your subconscious force into play, through this your mental state is change and affecting everything around you and often people and nature around you.

Read, share and leave your comments, and do not forget to take your cup of  #1 Healthy Beverage

Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Power Of Thought (A)

Thanks to God I am here to share this with you today, it is nice having you all around the world to share part of this mind changing principles, so sit, relax as we continue the series of "Believe, an essential power to success".

Taking on an episode of it today titled:
The power of thought 
Understanding something gives a clear view of what it is, so what is thought?, it is the source of every creative thinking.

Thought gives birth to result through creative work of human being. And making us understand that " A man's thought makes or breaks him".
Such emphasis was given and enlightened by the word of Shakespeare " there is nothing either bad or good, but thinking make it so".

Many of you in the "Rat Race" called Job, will say success comes with hard work, do my best and keep working to get to that Top, but less you know that hard working people have little to show for their  hard works.

So you need more than hard work or should I say "Work Well", and that is, creative thinking, firm believe (hope you understood this principle yesterday) in executing your idea.

And how is it possible to get the maximum result from this steps, (Claude Bristol)
  1. Your desire must be an all obsessing one
  2. Your thought and aim be coordinated 
  3. Your energy be concentrated and applied without loop holes.
Note this: whatever you consider to BE, you can have it, provided you are willing to make the objectives your burning desire of your life.

Leaving you with part A of Power of Thought today, and completing it tomorrow by God grace, make sure you read, digest and put it into practice. Because faith without work is ineffective.

Make sure you share with friends you want to build their intellect, leave your comment, questions, topics you wish to know more about, and I am here to serve you to the future you desire.

Have a great day and don't forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Friday, January 9, 2015

Believe, An Essential Power To success

Beautiful morning to everyone across the globe, and I know you are having a fulfilled year.

Pushing further on our lane of wealth creation, we will be looking into "What is Believe" today and following on with the series all through into weeks to come, so join me as we take the ride together.

Believe, to some seems it's mystical, but it's not, only that it's unknown to many in our society.
And believe on the other hand gives Dominion to those that knows IT.

Believe works for those that sincerely accepts and apply it, you may call it faith, because faith without work is ineffective, and also believe without work will give no result.

I want to let you know that there is genuine magic behind believing, continual zeal for something, continual utterance, desire for something if it truly from the temple of one's mind, it can be conceived. 

What does Believe do?
  • Helps mental cure
  • Helps in climbing the ladder of success
  • Helps get phenomenon results
And understanding the principle of Massed Mind Power (MMP - Claude Bristol), it's a workable science that " sincere thinking and playing speaking will get any message across to the people".
So, you have to be sincere in your believes, keep saying it and work it out.

With these tips, I hope you start tapping into the Power of Believe, and start commanding your fortune closer day by day to you.
Make sure you create time to study, read books (The Magic of Believing), share with friends what you've learned, because in that you build your knowledge also. 

I pray you have a great day, Leave your comments, share with friends, and don't forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy Beverage

Thursday, January 8, 2015

3 Step Process For Goal Setting and Achieving

Great day my friends all around the world, hope the past posts has been helpful to you and friends around you.

Today, I will be making you feel the real truth about fulfilling your goal, yes Goal, I am always on it, it is the key thing to actualization of  what ever dream you have in your heart, so stick with me and let's ride on this beautiful path.

Me writing this post is not just for you to read through only, but to digest, believe and work with them. 

And for your goal to be achievable, you must hunger for it, pursue ( not a rat race but residual income generation), and you can attain IT.

Here are the 3 steps process for goal setting and achieving:
  1. Fantasy
  2. Theory
  3. Fact
Fantasy; you have to fall in love with your dream, we all fantasize and see things (day dream), imagination of things we love to get, build, create etc, so this is the first step and you must have that pleasure in the imagination level to move you to the next step. 
All great things you see in the world this days are fantasy of a men that lay down on a chair many year ago, so what are you waiting for?, let's start our imagination factor for the better.

Theory; this the transition from imagination to reasoning factor, and through this reasoning factor, by adding thought, analysis, procedures to IT, incubation starts.
 At this point you have to believe what others cannot see (right information digest). By the creation of right attitude and perception, and start listening to someone that is better than you and have accomplished more than you.

Fact = fantasy (imagination) + theory, because if you can hold the idea in your mind and believe, it must manifest in form, that is an absolute LAW.
Know this and start working right with that great idea inside you, build it with you fantasy, turn it into theory (analyze well) and I promise you, the sky is your starting point. 

Leaving you with this today, hope to be with you tomorrow, have it at heart that I love you all and I pray we grow in this stream of residual income.
And make sure you take you cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

IDEA, The Key Thing For Prosperity

Happy and beautiful morning my friend all around the world, allow me today to be your pilot in understanding the key principle of life.
So relax and feel your mind with great things.

Breaking it down for you, daily we wake up in this world (the universe). What is the universe?
UNI= one
VERSE= word
"One word" as illustrated in the most read book in the world =BIBLE make us understand in John 1:1 that one word = God

So, to everyday you wake up in the universe, you wake up in God, anytime you speak a word into the universe, you are speaking to God.

So today ask yourselves, what am I saying inside me as an IDEA, what am I speaking? 
Is it positive?
Am I align to the right path?
Am I constructing or breaking my future, business, children, destiny? 
Ask yourself, yes you reading this post, 

Now, I will be breaking down what IDEA is;

  1. Nothing on this earth is more powerful than an IDEA
  2. Idea produce everything ( the shoe, chair,building, suit, dress). So change your mentality and have a creative idea, because you reading now to built your intellect is a product of an IDEA
  3. Everything began as an idea
  4. IDEA produces everything (the source of everything)
  5. IDEAS are more powerful than Death, because death cannot kill an idea, idea outlive Men, you can kill a man but you cannot kill his idea.
  6. IDEAS cannot be destroy
  7. IDEAS submerge and re-emerge in generations. Idea never die they just submerge.
Idea control the world, and know that the world is being ruled by dead men, why? Because the world is growing based on the ideas of past leaders that are now dead.

Now is the time to be creative with your idea, multiply it, think through, build yourself and grow in power. Because "as a man thinks in his heart, so he is"
 I am happy you are part of this post, and make sure you are also a blessing to a friend by sharing it.
Have a great day and don't forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Recipes for fruitful Network Marketing


Many of you are into network marketing or other business because you made a decision to, many of you are making decisions today, but do you keep at it. Keeping your timing, avails you to work your plans.
Your decisions matters in how much you wish (plan)to make, and how well you are ready for success, because it is a process and not a destination.

In this decision state, there are list you need to create balance in life;

  1. Spiritual side: I think we are spiritual being, make decisions that balance who you are, we all have our source (God), create time and decide how much time you want o spend with Him.
  2. Family part: I know most of you might be single and you have a personal decision, but consider to make more positive decision also, but for you that are married, parents, grands,what are your plan/ decision?. Make sure  you are making decisions that will affect your family positively. 
  3. Finances: make a decision on what to buy, invest in, how to create other streams of income, residual income generation. This will help balance the way your life go.
  4. Health: the physical side of your life, most people work out their life out and procrastinate on check up, you are not doing well and you keep doing other things! Why work you way up and leave the riches for others to just enjoy it. Try and create those wealth and enjoy it and leave the rest for your children. Okay!, make it perfect.
  5. Fun: stop being boring, create fun with people around your that's fun. Make goals of fun that you can interact well and keep smiling. Try and smile always, it helps. Do something interesting 
  6. Social/cultural: to this, it's a decision you make to be of help to your society/community, and what are you doing to build yourself respectively. With this, you become sophisticated, comfortable around people you stay with. A person of value.
  7. Career: to some it's business, to others it's a combination of what you are doing with business. Know that having a good decision of career affects the other six (6), and please choose wisely.
Having these focus in your hands, I will say, have a good Decision today and create what you want for your family and for yourself.

It's great sharing this post with you, and if found helpful, leave a comment and share with someone of importance to you, and don't forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Monday, January 5, 2015

Goal and not a resolution for 2015

Happy day today my friends all around the world, I have a push in my heart to let you into an important deal.

That is;
Do not make a resolution this year, just "ACT
Don't resolve, because you put yourself in some performance pressure.
I know most of you put a lot of things you want to resolve in paper, you may lost your will power.

See this,
If want to shop, call a friend, eat your dinner, you don't write it down, you just do it.
So if you have things to do, just go ahead and do them and be focus

ACT this year, make it happen, and make sure this things are must have, ok!
For this year, make your ACT this definitions (-steve harris)
A- access your goals
C- clear away your obstacle and distractions
T- take massive actions

Make sure they are not NICE to have, but make sure they are MUST to have.
And you have to be very specific, change your behavior, because if you change your behavior, you can change your OUTCOME.

Start a new good behavior, make new good friends, new events, new way of reading books, join book reading group etc. 

Because through consistent change of this behavior for this better, it turns sub-conscious and it happens on auto-pilot and a better OUTCOME/RESULT for you.
Try and change your routine, change your plan for the better and I promise you 2015 is gonna be a great year for you.

That's what I have for you this beautiful day, share with a friend's, your contacts, and don't forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Role of Laws and Rule in Personal Success

First of all, lemme welcome you to the 3rd of January and letting you know that Law is different from rule.

Rule can stop you from being successful. To be successful, you must break the "rule" and follow the "Law"

Lack of success is your commitment to "rule".

Laws have no respect for your ethnic, race, religion because they are universal, they work for anyone if they earn them.

I know you want success, that's why you are on this post, and I congratulate you for that.

Success: it's is predictable, because of LAWS, everything has law attached to it, because God created everything in life to succeed. 

Just like the blue man running among the others, he must have followed the right path to be ahead the others (right principles helps)

Success is not a pursuit, in life don't try to be successful, just simply for Law, success is a result of obedient to Law.
It is a by product of an activity you are involved in.

Success is not what you've done compared to what someone has done, because you will always find someone less than you and greater than you.

Success is not measurable to what you've compared to others but measurable to what you've done compared to what you should have done.

Success  is the fulfillment of the original assignment or purpose for which the entire test was given.
Success in your life is not measure by what you've done  but by why God created you compared to what you've done

Success is fulfillment and completion of original purpose.
Life is not really about working hard, it's about working skillfully, smartly, and the only way to work smartly is to have knowledge of the Laws.

You can work hard and still be a failure since you are not working by the law.

The longest path to success is a SHORT-CUT

So make up your mind today and follow the LAW to start your year with fulfilling success.
Share with a friend and if possible your enemies (lol).

And make sure you take your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Friday, January 2, 2015

An important Decision For 2015

Happy day,
Today I will be more into giving you series of suggestion that I know won't just work for January but for the whole year and more years to come.

So stay with me on this and let's ride on the train of wealth creation.

This series of suggestions are;
Make 2015 your commitment, not a RESOLUTION but your INTENTION to spend more time with people who are taking you to the direction of your dream.

Knowing this, spend less time with the following people;
  • Not encouraging people
  • Negative people
  • Cynical people
And have good time with;
  • Supportive people
  • People with wisdom
  • People with skills you want in your business
I know it is challenging because most of this people are related to us, but just get busy with POSITVE people and don't have time for NEGATIVE.

And most important for this year guide your mind from;
  • Trash readings
  • Mass media
  • Bad audio
  • Online video that won't help your business
Imagine feeding your mind all through 2015 with FUNNY CAT video, what help will that give you?
So stay off them and enrich your intellect wisely.

Feed your minds with;
  • Good books
  • Good audio
  • Good video (online messages)
  • Functions (seminars)
  • Spend more time with quality people
  • Make that you commitment, your determination, your goal, your intention. 

And note, forget about RESOLUTION, get busy with POSITIVE don't have time for NEGATIVE

Those are suggestions that I know are worth fortunes, make good use of them all through 2015. And see you at the top as a network marketer professional. 
And don't forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy coffee

Thursday, January 1, 2015

What's Your Game Plan for 2015

I am so glad to be here again saying Happy New Year and I know it's going to be Heaven on Earth for us all.

So today, we will be invading the act of game plan, knowing what to do to attain the height we want to, so join me on the train to wealth creation and call a friend to share the post with.

Your Game Plan
I know there were things you planned on achieving in 2014 that didn't come to realization and steps you took, don't be down casted, just take a good step today (01-01-2015) and re-plan with understanding of the business you are into.

What to do
  • List down things you could not accomplish in 2014
  • List out things you achieved in 2014
  • Appreciates yourself for things you achieved in 2014
  • Now list things you want done in 2015
  1. Doing this, you ought to have a goal book, because a vision written is a step to accomplishing, so put it in black and white. And as a goal, that means you have stipulated time to attain these goals.
  2. The power of faith, speak positive things to the universe, understand the principle of positive thinking (check out past post to help you more on that). Your believe system must be high.
  3. What are you willing to give up, to everything on earth, there are principle to the success of it. You have to give up things (negative friend, hate, jealousy, pride, TV time), the beautiful thing about this is that it's not forever, but for the period to attain what you want and a better life is build through this. So, what are you willing to give up this 2015?
  4. Plan your work, work your plan, as a netWORK marketer, it's called netWORKing not netSLEEPing, so you have to plan and do the work, take action, move out of your comfort zone and work.
I know with this few understanding of knowing your 2015 game plan, network marketing and any other business you are into is going to blossom.

Happy new year and do not forget to send me a greeting today. Have a blessed year.
And make sure you are taking your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee