Friday, January 16, 2015

The Win Formular

Good morning  to all my friends around the globe, it's been a while and I really miss talking to you daily.

Today, digressing from the "Believe principle series" a bit, to learn a secret I got from my mentor " David immonitie" on what he titled " The WIN Formula".
So lets learn and share mind in creating the wealth we want today.

WIN, everyone wants to win, nobody bother wants to be left behind, so this morning always have a mind set to be a winner every second of your life.

Breaking down the formula,
1. W- Willingness (the will to learn) 
One thing about someone is having a "teachablilty  index",  it is the willingness to learn the information X willingness to change.
i.e WL x WC
And by the understanding of my spiritual father, he said
"Information does not bring transformation, Conversion does" - Myles Monroe (blessed memory)
"Belief does not guarantee conviction"
You belief something, but you were not convicted to ACT. 

So if you are willing to learn and you are not willing to change, you can't be effective.
i.e WL=50
      50 x 0= 0

2a. I- initiative (changing your initiative), that is the reconstruction of your mind. 
Doing something before you are told to do so.

You must fight the spirit of procrastination (because procrastination is suicidal).

So your MENTALITY determines what you are. Breaking this down;
  • MEN- we (people around you)
  • MENTAL- our mind (control yours)
  • TALITY- great reality of your life

So if you have a broke mentality, what's happening is that Broke has turned to a great reality of your life.

2b- I- Inspire - you take IN, and where does information comes from? It is our thought. If you have been of the past post, I analyze the power of thought, try and take a look.
You become what you think about, and words you speak come from your thought.

 And where does this thought come from?
  • Our Five senses
  • The Devil 
  • God
So control yours now.

3. N- Never ever stop at what you believe in, even when you see challenges, ups and downs. Because whatever you believe and  conceive, you can achieve.

Note and Watch this;
  • The Environment you are IN
  • The people that are around you
  • Information you feed yourself with
  • Experience you give yourself

So guys, I know with this information you got today, the secret I learned and share will be effective in your life.
So read it, understand it and share with a friend also, multiply your knowledge today.

Leave your comment and don't forget to take a cup of #1 Healthy Beverage

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