Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Power Of Thought (A)

Thanks to God I am here to share this with you today, it is nice having you all around the world to share part of this mind changing principles, so sit, relax as we continue the series of "Believe, an essential power to success".

Taking on an episode of it today titled:
The power of thought 
Understanding something gives a clear view of what it is, so what is thought?, it is the source of every creative thinking.

Thought gives birth to result through creative work of human being. And making us understand that " A man's thought makes or breaks him".
Such emphasis was given and enlightened by the word of Shakespeare " there is nothing either bad or good, but thinking make it so".

Many of you in the "Rat Race" called Job, will say success comes with hard work, do my best and keep working to get to that Top, but less you know that hard working people have little to show for their  hard works.

So you need more than hard work or should I say "Work Well", and that is, creative thinking, firm believe (hope you understood this principle yesterday) in executing your idea.

And how is it possible to get the maximum result from this steps, (Claude Bristol)
  1. Your desire must be an all obsessing one
  2. Your thought and aim be coordinated 
  3. Your energy be concentrated and applied without loop holes.
Note this: whatever you consider to BE, you can have it, provided you are willing to make the objectives your burning desire of your life.

Leaving you with part A of Power of Thought today, and completing it tomorrow by God grace, make sure you read, digest and put it into practice. Because faith without work is ineffective.

Make sure you share with friends you want to build their intellect, leave your comment, questions, topics you wish to know more about, and I am here to serve you to the future you desire.

Have a great day and don't forget to take your cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

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