Thursday, January 8, 2015

3 Step Process For Goal Setting and Achieving

Great day my friends all around the world, hope the past posts has been helpful to you and friends around you.

Today, I will be making you feel the real truth about fulfilling your goal, yes Goal, I am always on it, it is the key thing to actualization of  what ever dream you have in your heart, so stick with me and let's ride on this beautiful path.

Me writing this post is not just for you to read through only, but to digest, believe and work with them. 

And for your goal to be achievable, you must hunger for it, pursue ( not a rat race but residual income generation), and you can attain IT.

Here are the 3 steps process for goal setting and achieving:
  1. Fantasy
  2. Theory
  3. Fact
Fantasy; you have to fall in love with your dream, we all fantasize and see things (day dream), imagination of things we love to get, build, create etc, so this is the first step and you must have that pleasure in the imagination level to move you to the next step. 
All great things you see in the world this days are fantasy of a men that lay down on a chair many year ago, so what are you waiting for?, let's start our imagination factor for the better.

Theory; this the transition from imagination to reasoning factor, and through this reasoning factor, by adding thought, analysis, procedures to IT, incubation starts.
 At this point you have to believe what others cannot see (right information digest). By the creation of right attitude and perception, and start listening to someone that is better than you and have accomplished more than you.

Fact = fantasy (imagination) + theory, because if you can hold the idea in your mind and believe, it must manifest in form, that is an absolute LAW.
Know this and start working right with that great idea inside you, build it with you fantasy, turn it into theory (analyze well) and I promise you, the sky is your starting point. 

Leaving you with this today, hope to be with you tomorrow, have it at heart that I love you all and I pray we grow in this stream of residual income.
And make sure you take you cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

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