Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Believe Make Things Happen

Good day to you all, hope it has been a great time around, taking you up the ladder of success and the top you wish to go.

Firstly, I will want your mind to base on this, "All is Within", nothing exist on the outside place unless you have knowledge of it or unless it become fix in your consciousness.

It is the image created in your mind that give reality to the world outside of you. As we all know that happiness is sort by many and found by few.

Know that happiness is not affected by our environment and everyday happening unless we permit our mental self to be submissive to it and wish control the consciousness.

So, the state of happiness is a self will and power to control lies in our thinking.

But as we all know, the hardest task in the world is to think.
Just by the word of Les Brown, " History is been read but it's also been written by people with IMAGINATION"
So you must think (positive), Picture it and it will be yours.
And understand that, whatever you can believe and conceive, you can achieve.

Know that nobody has the monopoly of thought power, you have your own thought and power, use it, believe it and the dreams you think will be made available.

Hope this will be helpful today, do have a great time and make sure you are a blessing unto someone today.
Have a great day.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Who Is Your Friend?

Happy day to you all around the globe, taking on another aspect of life that people tend to overlook, "Association" when creating the wealth they wan.
Who are your friends? or are you like me, who is your friend?
Understanding the meaning of friend here, we see that association have great impact on the inside.

With great insight from Pastor Albert wole, made a clear understand that, "I can be friendly, but you don't have to be my friend (proverb 17:17).

Support (Eccl 4:10), this give more insight on what a friend is, you have someone you can count on, that when you fall, can lift you up.

Imagine traveling to a particular destination, I need to board a vehicle from the park, but I don't just get any Car, I have to take the one going to my destination. Not considering whether the price is high or low.
Many of us take on friends that are not in line with what we want to achieve, our goal, future, destiny. But do not forget that a price is paid for every journey, so if you make the wrong decision today, you will pay a price for it, why not just pay once and be satisfied for doing so, because (proverb 13:20) give more light on that.

If you don't understand a single word written today, please understand this;
Don't let people determine your life for you, TAKE CHARGE.

And if you wake up every morning not knowing what to do, just go to this passage and plan your life, knowing the right person to associate with(psalm 1:1 AMP).

I had to do this, because association influence our productivity and we have to take note of it also in increasing the wealth we want.

So friends, share with a friend you want to impact today, teach a neighbor and do have a blessed day.
I love you.
Don't forget to take a cup of organo gold healthy coffee.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to project your thought

Happy day friends around the globe, hope you having a great day. Continuing on the series of believe, we will be talking on several things that pertains mind stuff, i.e "How To Project Your Thought", hope you read and understand to be able to teach a friend.

Letting you know this, everyone have an emotional vibration (aura).
Remember that a negative personality can affect an environment to which they are, so to get a get a better understanding of this suggested vibration, you need to read your very feeling when entering a particular vicinity (home, office, social events).

You need to know this because, we take on the characteristics of the people we constantly associates with, through the vibration (aura) of the people around us.

Steps to maintain (project) a good thought
1. Remain Positive: this is possible by associating less with any person that has a negative or pessimistic personality. Because statistically proven that you are Five Sum average of the people you associates with. So choose friends wisely.

2. Have right mental attitude: this work well when you are properly attired, keeping your eye straight ahead and fixed on your goal. Knowing that you are the solely responsible for you.

3. Throw around you the right AURA: this is possible by the act of creative imagination. This is a power that is free to all human, it now your will to make it creative or destructive. Use the mind powerfully to imagine all that you want.

Ending with this, when Man fully Comprehends the great power of his mind and Honestly put it to work, he will have dominion over the earth and everything on it.

And know that you, yourself have the inner sparkle, but it must be FANNED until the fire is of white oak intensity, and must be constantly FUELED by ideas, ideas, more ideas and ACTION.

With this friends, I pray the day will be fulfilled, and make sure you share with a friend. Do have a great day. Love you all.

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Mirror Technique

I am glad I'm conditioned to be with you today through this life changing post. I pray you follow and take step judiciously and smartly.

Today on the believe series, we will look into "The mirror technique".

Before I run today's race, let me make you understand the necessity of seeing yourself daily.
The principle of mankind is to deliberately do that that he is ought to do well, reaching to the height he desire.

As a choreographer, I use this technique a lot, often during personal rehearsal, team teaching. Not just to see myself, but to get it perfect. With that, I have the right approach, countenance, and as a group we synchronize together, in short word, we stay FOCUS.

You have to keep at this as well, because when you look into the mirror, you see yourself you imagine things, you laugh at yourself and you know yourself better.

To help your believe system, follow the mechanics behind it;

1. Stand in front of a mirror (in attention)
2. Take deep breath and gather determination, confidence and gather strength. 
3. Look to the depth of your eyes, tell yourself that you are going to get what you want. (say it loud and feel it).
4. Practice it at least twice a day (morning and evening), and get use doing it often.

It looks odd at the start of this technique, but what you are doing is building a sense of confidence that you never realize you could build within yourself.

Note that "every man carry in his eye the exact indication of his RANK"

Before you embark on this techniques, don't play fool by just going in front of your mirror, please make sure you have proper requisites; 

  • You must have a plan of action.
  • Know what you want.
  • You must be specific about it.
  • And hold on to the mental picture of your idea and begin to develop it with action, and with these, success is awaiting YOU.

Leaving you with this today, "For the sub-conscious mind never fails to obey any order given to it clearly and emphatically.

So friends, do have a great day, share with friends, leave a comment and don't forget to take a cup of healthy Coffee

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Act of Mental Pictures

Being a while I will say, an empty brain can't feed the nation. So I needed to refresh to give the real deal. Hope you had  great time with the past post?.
Today, continuing on our Believe Series, we will be taking on "The Act of Mental Pictures" and how to go about it.

You have to know that, to become the person you will like to be, you create a mental picture of newly conceived self and continue to hold the picture, the day will come, when you are in reality that person.

And by the word of Shakespeare "Assume the virtue, if you have it not" 

And note, in assuming this virtue, make a distinction between day dreaming and true mental picture or proper use of imagination.

Understand this in the principle of Magnifying glass in setting a sheet of paper ablaze, you keep the focus on that particular point on the paper you want ablaze and in the right sun rays, the point is on fire.
The magnifying glass is your mental picture, having focus help you get it done, the Sun is just there waiting for you to position yourself right.
So don't blame the society, your family, your bank, the astrology  and start getting position right.

The Mechanic of Mental Picture
1. Ask yourself, the most useful heart desire (money, house, family)

2. Write it on a card you value and can carry easily with you daily

3. Walk around with it, ( office, home, pocket, bed etc). Because your familiarity with your desire creates the visualization of it.

4. Make sure you concentrate more on the written desire, before bed, when you wake up in the morning, because the more the visualization of the desire, the speedier they materialize.
I know you are wondering what this will do for you,will it work? yes it will, doing your part and leaving the rest to your subconscious mind. With what you have feed it, it works for you and opens ideas for you to accomplish those desire.

5. And finally, keep your desire with you, tell no man. Don't give anybody a clue about what you desire, because when you talk about what you are going to do, you scatter your forces, you loss the close connection you have with the subconscious and you may need to start all over again in your program ofachievement (-Claude Bristol).

And leaving you with this quote I love th most.

"Faith without action is dead"

I pray you find easy way to learn this steps, and be able to teach someone. Do have a great day and don't forget to take a cup of healthy Coffee

Sunday, February 1, 2015

You are a spiritual being

Happy beautiful morning to you all, I hope the series we finished has been of aid to you and your business.
Did you teach a friend, colleague?
That's the way learning builds.

Today, I won't be going far from the great event, SUNDAY.
I want you to understand that you are a being, a spiritual being with great potentials, capability, dream, power.
But you can not attain these, unless you know yourself, build yourself and tap in to this great endowment.

So what can you do to attain this?
1. Go back to your root (source).
2. Follow the laws and not the rules and regulations.
3. Abide by the Law daily.
4. Your faith and Believe in Work.

With these steps, I know you will attain what your source inheritance entails for you.

Live your life wisely, build a great future and work well with your associates. 
Happy Sunday.