Saturday, July 11, 2015

God's Love

Good morning house. 
I want to share something that God recently reminded me of. 
I know its something we all know, but a little reminder once in a while is highly profitable. Its from Mark 12:29 where one of the teachers of the law asked Jesus what commandment was the greatest and Jesus answered saying: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and strength while the second is Love your neighbour as yourself'. 

Most times we Christians focus on being spiritual; fasting, praying, studying the word, going to church etc. They are all very very necessary but at the same time we shouldn't neglect this important requirement by God. 
Some people undertake spiritual exercises in order to be able to handle issues of life, overcome challenges or gain more anointing which isnt bad at all but remember to keep Jesus as your focus and let your love for Him be the reason for all you do. 
As equally important is love for people. God loves people and they are His top priority; afterall He made them(us) in His image. So if you want to touch God's heart, love people. Remember when Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him and then commanded him to feed His sheep(John 21:15-17) and also when Jesus said it is by love that men would know we are His disciples(John 13:35). 

Most times showing love towards the people we meet daily has more effect than our preaching. It musnt be far fetched; a smile, an encouraging word, genuine care & concern, a listening ear, a helping hand, little gifts are all various ways the Holy spirit can use us to brighten up someone's day and make a difference. So in all we do today, let love lead. 
"Whoever lives in love lives in God and God in them" (1 john 4:16). "And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is Love" (1cor 13:13). God bless!     -Lisa (HoD Intl.)‎

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