Friday, February 6, 2015

The Mirror Technique

I am glad I'm conditioned to be with you today through this life changing post. I pray you follow and take step judiciously and smartly.

Today on the believe series, we will look into "The mirror technique".

Before I run today's race, let me make you understand the necessity of seeing yourself daily.
The principle of mankind is to deliberately do that that he is ought to do well, reaching to the height he desire.

As a choreographer, I use this technique a lot, often during personal rehearsal, team teaching. Not just to see myself, but to get it perfect. With that, I have the right approach, countenance, and as a group we synchronize together, in short word, we stay FOCUS.

You have to keep at this as well, because when you look into the mirror, you see yourself you imagine things, you laugh at yourself and you know yourself better.

To help your believe system, follow the mechanics behind it;

1. Stand in front of a mirror (in attention)
2. Take deep breath and gather determination, confidence and gather strength. 
3. Look to the depth of your eyes, tell yourself that you are going to get what you want. (say it loud and feel it).
4. Practice it at least twice a day (morning and evening), and get use doing it often.

It looks odd at the start of this technique, but what you are doing is building a sense of confidence that you never realize you could build within yourself.

Note that "every man carry in his eye the exact indication of his RANK"

Before you embark on this techniques, don't play fool by just going in front of your mirror, please make sure you have proper requisites; 

  • You must have a plan of action.
  • Know what you want.
  • You must be specific about it.
  • And hold on to the mental picture of your idea and begin to develop it with action, and with these, success is awaiting YOU.

Leaving you with this today, "For the sub-conscious mind never fails to obey any order given to it clearly and emphatically.

So friends, do have a great day, share with friends, leave a comment and don't forget to take a cup of healthy Coffee

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