Tuesday, December 16, 2014

3 Major Elements To Confidence In Network Marketing

Good morning friends, today we will be taking a lane on improving our CONFIDENCE.
Funny the way MR. ANT carried the log right? It's just the initial confidence he had that HELPED.

There are 3 Major Elements to building Confidence, and has you study them, make sure you take action.
Because knowledge without action is ineffective.

3 Major Elements are:
1. Understanding (Network Marketing): you have to know the value of your product, as my mentor will say "be the product of the product". When you know relationships you will create, lives you will influence, and the purpose of being a network marketer, it will become more easier for you building up you confidence.

2. Skills: if you have been updating yourselves with this blog, you will see the necessity of  skill. You become good at anything through good skill of it which was developed and not through attitude alone or understanding it. And with the knowledge of your skills you bulid, confidence is also received.

3. Programming:  information taking IN is what is Delivered. Watch the kind of people around you and the kind of data you digest.
Note; It's one thing for people to sell a story, it's another thing for you to buy it.

 In improving you programming( mental self), take the following steps:

I. Be aware of the lies you've been told and if you bought them or not. Refresh your mental self

II. Guard your mind from negativity (what you watch, listen to, say out)

III. Feed your mind (reprogram your brain-computer), living a life of positive everyday, every minute, every second.

Your programming is what keeps you fearful and stop your act of DECISION.
And being a Network Marketer is all about decision,
Because the act of Prospecting, Presenting, follow up, inviting, promoting events does not really need a university degree and tones of library.
It all starts from DECISION.

So face your fear today and take decision and grow as a Network Marketer and see you at the top.

Leave your comments and don't forget to take your cup of No 1 healthy Coffee

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