Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sense.......... Wisdom

Hello friends,
Came across this art while surfing the net and I thought it will be nice sharing it.

Check out : choose wisely
Read and learn.
Leave a comment ant share with a friend.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Performing at your best III

Few hours to Christmas, on the road to successful ending, and greater beginning.
Let's take a walk on the path to success today, as we continue with the series that will take us all through to the end of the year.

Have this in mind;
"Nobody is smarter than you, Nobody is better than you, don't think people are better than you" -Brian Tracy

Today, let's look into The law of Cause and Effect
Cause: it's the thought, and one number thing you have total control over is your thought (relating to your Decision),

Effect: it's the condition around you, barriers, disappointment etc. It's now your positioning that will help you move on despite these effect around you.

To stay straight and standing in such adversaries, you must increase the quality of your thought (LEARN).

And know this,
The most important single quality of your thought is OPTIMISM. Always think positive about things around you.

1. You become what you think about most of the time
2. Your outer world is the reflection of your inner world.
3. Your believes become your reality

With these help, your December celebration is going to be fun. Do have a great celebration.
And don't forget your cup of #1 healthy coffee (mocha, latte, hot choco, green and black tea)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Performing at your best II

Another beautiful and successful morning, not just because it's the season for Christmas but because we choose it to be.

Relax and learn as we continue on the path of purpose.

Decision + Action = Success
Decision - Action = Failure

Having a success mind set, though life is like a plane flying to a destination, it tends to be off-course 90% of the whole time because of the winds, altitude, but because of the known destination, it keeps going for the set goal.
So, we have to keep pushing and not give up even when our actions are been distracted by some inevitable rejections, failure, setbacks, always have your goal and destination in your heart, because they are all part of learning process of moving you to a point of Success.

Understand this, wherever you are on the income scale in life, you decided to be there, either by your action of what you have done or fail to do- Brian tracy

Statistically proven, less than 10% of the world will ever take a course to build a life of financial freedom, so I celebrate you reading this post, and please take action on every decision you have .

They say the best time to do something is NOW! Wrong,
The best time to do something is yesterday, so have it @ the back of your mind that you are behind schedule.

 Let me leave you with this today as you have a nice day,
Opportunity is not opportunity unless you are Positioned and Ready to put the opportunity to use(Action).
How positioned are you?
How ready are you?

Keep that in mind and make sure you take a cup of #1 healthy coffee

Monday, December 22, 2014

Performing at your best I

Good morning again this beautiful day, Christmas is fast approaching, people celebrating........, and I asked myself how can I give a Christmas gift to you all, and it pop into my mind that we need to keep our focus in life.

Know our purpose in life, because No purpose, No focus, No goal, No Success, that's just it in life.

My prayer is that you don't just have only successful holiday, but a blessed year coming after IT.

We will be having a week stretch of this session on purpose before the year runs out to 2015.
So, stay with me and let's build our Mind together, and don't forget I LOVE YOU ALL.

Before you become the millionaire you want to be, you need to start with the TENS in your hand.
You have something in your hand you can start with, use it, build on it, multiply it and you will be surprise at the duplication of your profit.

Part of my previous post, We discuss on DECISION, yes its good to have decision, but without ACTION to backup this decision, it is going to be like building castle in the air.

So if you have a thought/idea this December, don't wait for January 2015 to execute IT, do it NOW, take ACTION.
And please as a successful mind set person, we have to stop taking vacation to a place called the "SOMEDAY ISLAND", saying I will do it,
There nothing that delay destined as Procrastination,
Do it now.

So please, this morning if you don't understand anything here, understand this "DO IT NOW", take action and I bet you, with a decision and a backing of Action, 2015 is full with great things.

See you at the part 2 of this week stretch teaching.
And don't forget to take your cup of #1 healthy coffee

Thursday, December 18, 2014

How to kick start your MLM business

Happy day my friends, today we will be looking into aspects that helps you kick start your network marketing business, feel free and set your mind for success.

Take this, your machine up stair (brain) is the key to your success, because it deals with your imagination, picturing yourself doing and having those things (staying positive, saying positive, living positive).

Know this, the fuel to the success in this business is your DREAM (your why), "How To" is great but when you have dream and goal IN there, you will have the zeal to be consistent in the business.
The consistency can either be as a result of fear or desire, fear of loss or what to gain.

List of dreams can be difficult in picture, but your WHY for the dream will ease the brain in achieving these dreams.

Steps to take:
1. Take a list of what you don't want in your life
2. Take a list of what you want in your life
3. Take a picture of yourself achieving the list of what you want. And stay off the list of what you don't want.
4. Have a success mentality and keep saying them even though they are not there yet.

Mentality  (poor)
Virtually most people if not all have this mentality
  • go to school     
  • graduate from school
  • get a secured job
  • work for many years
  • get retired 
But does it help? NO! 

Mentality (success) do.
  • Take a look at a good opportunity.
  • Have a success mentality of the opportunity.
  • Invest time to learn about the opportunity.
  • Live the life of a success by acting the way you want to be see.
  • Be consistent ( by giving up things that will hinder you).
And it will pay you for the rest of your life.
So friends, have a success mentality, be positive, be consistent and be You.
Do have a great day, share with your love ones and make sure you take a cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

3 Major Elements To Confidence In Network Marketing

Good morning friends, today we will be taking a lane on improving our CONFIDENCE.
Funny the way MR. ANT carried the log right? It's just the initial confidence he had that HELPED.

There are 3 Major Elements to building Confidence, and has you study them, make sure you take action.
Because knowledge without action is ineffective.

3 Major Elements are:
1. Understanding (Network Marketing): you have to know the value of your product, as my mentor will say "be the product of the product". When you know relationships you will create, lives you will influence, and the purpose of being a network marketer, it will become more easier for you building up you confidence.

2. Skills: if you have been updating yourselves with this blog, you will see the necessity of  skill. You become good at anything through good skill of it which was developed and not through attitude alone or understanding it. And with the knowledge of your skills you bulid, confidence is also received.

3. Programming:  information taking IN is what is Delivered. Watch the kind of people around you and the kind of data you digest.
Note; It's one thing for people to sell a story, it's another thing for you to buy it.

 In improving you programming( mental self), take the following steps:

I. Be aware of the lies you've been told and if you bought them or not. Refresh your mental self

II. Guard your mind from negativity (what you watch, listen to, say out)

III. Feed your mind (reprogram your brain-computer), living a life of positive everyday, every minute, every second.

Your programming is what keeps you fearful and stop your act of DECISION.
And being a Network Marketer is all about decision,
Because the act of Prospecting, Presenting, follow up, inviting, promoting events does not really need a university degree and tones of library.
It all starts from DECISION.

So face your fear today and take decision and grow as a Network Marketer and see you at the top.

Leave your comments and don't forget to take your cup of No 1 healthy Coffee

Monday, December 15, 2014

3 Simple Steps To Endless Leads In MLM

Christmas is around the corner, but at that I will love to share the idea and knowledge I learn few minutes ago.

Feel free to learn,  teach it to friends also, because knowledge is not knowledge unless it impacts another person for their greater good.

3 simple steps are:

1. Take control of your own lead generation; I stand to be a witness to that in my business, assumption should be the last thing you think of when it comes to your lead generation. So, DO IT YOURSELF

2 Develop a New Set Skill; when I started this blog, the sole purpose is to educate people on MLM, so if you must make leads out per day, you must be ready to invest hours in your study, be a professional and learn how to do the business. So, YOU MUST STUDY

3. Take Consistent Daily Action and Stay Focus On Your Goal; personally I will say I am guilty of this third step also, because we live in a active world of illusion (reality) which affects our goal (future), our goal in passive world should be maintain by daily persistent in doing the right thing at the right time.
Make sure you surround yourself with right people, right information and right you.


Have a great day and be a blessing to people around you by sharing the information you get everyday. Leave a comment and don't  forget to take a cup of #1 Healthy Coffee

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Power of Positive Thinking

Good morning,
Every time I come across a secret, I love to share it.
Today, let flow in the act of creating the wealth you want.

Believe in yourself
Before you go out this morning, say this to yourself

This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in IT. Yes it is biblical, and it is the key secret. What you say is what you see.
So please say IT.

How to build your self confidence 

1. Create a picture of yourself succeed
2. Do not build up obstacle in your imagination
3. Do not be obstruct/try to copy people
4. Get a confident counselor to help you
5. Ten times each day practice this  (I can do all things through christ who strengthens me)
6 put yourself in God's hand ( I am in God's hand)

With these secrets, your day is good to go, just stay positive and live a positive attitude life.
Make sure you take a cup of health coffee