Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Control Your HABIT today


Let's roll in the train again on how to create the wealth we want.

Are you wondering why life is this "funny", and not fair, I will ask you this question to make you understand why;

What is your HABIT?

Know that Habit is the intersection of your knowledge, skills and desire.

Knowledge : Theoretical, (what to & why to)
Skills: Practical, (how to)
Desire: Motivation, (want to)

Note this:
We first make our HABIT, then our HABIT makes us

Sow a Thought, reap an Action
Sow an Action, reap a Habit
Sow a Habit, reap a Character
Sow a Character, reap a Destiny

So, what are you thinking? What do you focus your thought in. Because as a man thinks, so is He.

Start thinking right and have a positive attitude toward everything you do Today.

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